Four concurrent roundtables.
Roundtable 1:
Tech and insurance: Who is protecting whom? This roundtable which will consider the impact of technology on the global insurance sector. It will provide an opportunity to discuss ongoing IAIS projects, including the IAIS’ draft Application Papers on artificial intelligence and on operational resilience objectives.
Roundtable 2:
Financial inclusion and fair treatment of diverse consumers: Insurance has a substantial role to play in making societies more resilient. This roundtable will provide an opportunity to discuss the challenges that need to be overcome to allow for better consumer outcomes. It will provide an opportunity to discuss ongoing IAIS projects, including the Application Papers on financial inclusion and fair treatment of diverse consumers.
Roundtable 3:
ICS and risk-based solvency: This session will provide members and stakeholders with an opportunity to discuss the final ICS in detail and understand the next steps for implementation of the new global solvency standard. It will also provide an opportunity to update on the IAIS work on risk-based solvency regimes.
Roundtable 4:
Capacity building: This session will discuss the key priorities for capacity building as part of the IAIS 2025-2029 Strategic Plan.